[Magic Brew] Filters / 'Modern Masters 2015' set
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Zone-change search filters only consider end-to-end observable game state changes.
Therefore, these filters ignore the Stack.
For example,
Cyclopean Mummy's
Oracle card text reads: 'When Cyclopean Mummy dies, exile it.'
This triggered ability gets interpreted as an end-to-end Battlefield to Exile zone change,
although another effect in principle might steal Cyclopean Mummy from its owner's Graveyard
(if, via the Stack, happening before resolution of mentioned triggered ability).
Search filters are mostly defined at ability category granularity (i.e. 'static', 'activated', 'triggered', 'spell',
or sometimes more specifically 'characteristic-defining' ability, etc.).
A single filter might refer to multiple ability categories, e.g. a triggered ability dynamically generating a static ability (like
'suspend' generating 'haste').
Conceptually related search filters are defined as mutually exclusive as possible,
i.e. results from an ability category filter using Oracle card
reminder text
matching (e.g. the 'enters the battlefield' reminder text phrase in
triggered ability context) should not come up in related 'as generic card wording' filter results.
Most search filters are fine-grained instead of coarse-grained,
keeping their embedded 'false positives' (i.e. wrong results) definitions
from breaking search filter definition length limitations.
Also due to search filter definition length limitations, some filters have been split into several filter parts.
(Empty filter part results have been removed from their respective card pools,
just like empty 'regular filter' results.)
Filter parts are identified by means of the following suffixes:
'[part 1]', '[part 2]', etc.
'[generic filter]', '[generic filter exceptions]', '[generic filter exceptions, part 1]', etc.
For practical reasons, only Standard-legal cards have been used to verify conceptual search filters framework completeness,
new game mechanics continually extending this framework.
Unfortunately, due to search filter definition length limitations, the following filters have not been implemented
(awaiting Oracle card text templating improvements):
[life resource]: damage to players ('controller', 'him or her', 'opponent', 'player', 'you', ...), as generic card wording
[zone change]: graveyard 'put', as generic card wording
[zone change]: battlefield target based exiling, as generic card wording
[zone change]: graveyard pick based exiling, as generic card wording.
Due to too many filter parts, the following filter has not been implemented:
[permanents]: Creature reference
Also, fractional Converted Mana Cost, power, and toughness (from the 'Un-Sets') filters have not been implemented.
Any residual 'false negatives' (i.e. missed results) risk is directly caused by Oracle card text pattern matching complexity,
mostly found in 'as generic card wording' designated search filters.
Their respective detailed specification/query links provide a means for concrete risk assessment.
The single unifying nature of the search filters framework
(i.e. single filter definitions irrespective of card pool)
implies that search filters within specific card pools
might refer to extra glossary items unrelated to those card pools, e.g. unused older/newer keywords.
However, all glossary items only associated to empty filter results within specific card pools have also been removed
from those card pools' respective glossaries, avoiding further clutter.
All search filter results are sorted by converted mana cost (ascending).
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---unfiltered--- / all
mana cost / value: any
mana cost / value: X
mana cost / value: 0
mana cost / value: 1
mana cost / value: 2
mana cost / value: 3
mana cost / value: 4
mana cost / value: 5
mana cost / value: 6
mana cost / value: 7
mana cost / value: 8
mana cost / value: 9
mana cost / value: 10
mana cost / value: 11
mana cost / value: 12
mana cost / value: 13
mana cost / value: 14
mana cost / value: 15
mana cost / value: 16
mana cost / value: 1000000
card color / colorless / color count: 0
card color / multicolor / color count: any
card color / multicolor / color count: 2
card color / multicolor / color count: 3
card color / multicolor / color count: 4
card color / multicolor / color count: 5
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 1
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 2
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 3
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 4
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 5
permanent / type / planeswalker / all
permanent / type / creature / all
permanent / type / creature / monotype
permanent / type / creature / multitype
permanent / type / artifact / all
permanent / type / artifact / monotype
permanent / type / artifact / multitype
permanent / type / artifact / subtype
permanent / type / enchantment / all
permanent / type / enchantment / monotype
permanent / type / enchantment / subtype
permanent / type / enchantment / supertype
permanent / type / land / all
permanent / type / land / monotype
permanent / type / land / multitype
permanent / type / land / subtype
permanent / type / land / supertype
permanent / supertype
non-permanent / type / instant / all
non-permanent / type / instant / monotype
non-permanent / type / instant / subtype
non-permanent / type / sorcery / all
non-permanent / type / sorcery / monotype
non-permanent / subtype
tribal / all
creature type / each
creature type / A..
creature type / B..
creature type / C..
creature type / D..
creature type / E..
creature type / F..
creature type / G..
creature type / H..
creature type / I..
creature type / J..
creature type / K..
creature type / L..
creature type / M..
creature type / N..
creature type / O..
creature type / P..
creature type / R..
creature type / S..
creature type / T..
creature type / U..
creature type / V..
creature type / W..
creature type / Y..
creature type / Z..
base stats / power: -1
base stats / power: 0/*
base stats / power: 1
base stats / power: 2
base stats / power: 3
base stats / power: 4
base stats / power: 5
base stats / power: 6
base stats / power: 7
base stats / power: 8
base stats / power: 9
base stats / power: 10
base stats / power: 11
base stats / power: 12
base stats / power: 13
base stats / power: 14
base stats / power: 15
base stats / power: 99
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Exile to Battlefield
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Graveyard to Battlefield (aka 'reanimate')
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Hand to Battlefield
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Library to Battlefield
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Graveyard+Hand+Library to Battlefield
zone / Battlefield / tool set / lifecycle
zone / Battlefield / tool set / development
zone / Battlefield / tool set / counters
zone / Battlefield / tool set / resilience
zone / Battlefield / tool set / presence
zone / Battlefield / tool set / pressure
zone / Battlefield / tool set / restriction
zone / Battlefield / tool set / interaction
zone / Battlefield / tool set / tapping
zone / Battlefield / tool set / other ...
zone / Exile / zone change / Battlefield to Exile
zone / Exile / zone change / Graveyard to Exile
zone / Exile / zone change / Hand to Exile
zone / Exile / zone change / Library to Exile
zone / Exile / zone change / Graveyard+Hand+Library to Exile
zone / Exile / tool set
zone / Graveyard / zone change / Battlefield to Graveyard (aka 'destroy', 'die', 'sacrifice', ...)
zone / Graveyard / zone change / Exile to Graveyard (aka 'process')
zone / Graveyard / zone change / Hand to Graveyard (aka 'discard')
zone / Graveyard / zone change / Library to Graveyard (aka 'mill')
zone / Graveyard / tool set
zone / Hand / zone change / Battlefield to Hand (aka 'bounce')
zone / Hand / zone change / Exile to Hand
zone / Hand / zone change / Graveyard to Hand (aka 'regrow')
zone / Hand / zone change / Library to Hand (aka 'draw', 'tutor', ...)
zone / Hand / zone change / Graveyard+Library to Hand
zone / Hand / tool set
zone / Library / zone change / Battlefield to Library
zone / Library / zone change / Exile to Library
zone / Library / zone change / Graveyard to Library
zone / Library / zone change / Hand to Library
zone / Library / tool set
resource / energy / update
resource / life / update
resource / life / tool set
resource / mana / update
resource / mana / tool set
poison counter / update
poison counter / tool set
varia / tool set / turn
varia / tool set / stack
varia / tool set / spell
varia / tool set / target
varia / tool set / cost
varia / tool set / choice
varia / tool set / randomness
varia / tool set / characteristics
varia / tool set / other ...
back to top
---unfiltered--- / all
back to index
mana cost / value: any
back to index
mana cost / value: X
back to index
mana cost / value: 0
back to index
mana cost / value: 1
back to index
mana cost / value: 2
back to index
mana cost / value: 3
back to index
mana cost / value: 4
back to index
mana cost / value: 5
back to index
mana cost / value: 6
back to index
mana cost / value: 7
back to index
mana cost / value: 8
back to index
mana cost / value: 9
back to index
mana cost / value: 10
back to index
mana cost / value: 11
back to index
mana cost / value: 12
back to index
mana cost / value: 13
back to index
mana cost / value: 14
back to index
mana cost / value: 15
back to index
mana cost / value: 16
back to index
mana cost / value: 1000000
back to index
card color / colorless / color count: 0
back to index
card color / multicolor / color count: any
back to index
card color / multicolor / color count: 2
Black Green
All (3), Common (0), Uncommon (2), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Red White
All (3), Common (0), Uncommon (2), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Green Blue
All (3), Common (0), Uncommon (2), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
card color / multicolor / color count: 3
back to index
card color / multicolor / color count: 4
back to index
card color / multicolor / color count: 5
back to index
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 1
back to index
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 2
back to index
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 3
back to index
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 4
back to index
card color / (non-colorless) deck colors / color count: 5
back to index
permanent / type / planeswalker / all
All (2), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (2)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
permanent / type / creature / all
back to index
permanent / type / creature / monotype
back to index
permanent / type / creature / multitype
back to index
permanent / type / artifact / all
back to index
permanent / type / artifact / monotype
back to index
permanent / type / artifact / multitype
back to index
permanent / type / artifact / subtype
back to index
permanent / type / enchantment / all
back to index
permanent / type / enchantment / monotype
back to index
permanent / type / enchantment / subtype
back to index
permanent / type / enchantment / supertype
back to index
permanent / type / land / all
back to index
permanent / type / land / monotype
back to index
permanent / type / land / multitype
back to index
permanent / type / land / subtype
back to index
permanent / type / land / supertype
back to index
permanent / supertype
back to index
non-permanent / type / instant / all
Instant reference
All (3), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (3), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
non-permanent / type / instant / monotype
back to index
non-permanent / type / instant / subtype
back to index
non-permanent / type / sorcery / all
back to index
non-permanent / type / sorcery / monotype
back to index
non-permanent / subtype
All (5), Common (5), Uncommon (3), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
tribal / all
All (5), Common (3), Uncommon (0), Rare (2), Mythic (2)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / each
back to index
creature type / A..
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (3), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (2), Mythic (2)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (2), Common (1), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (2), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (2), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / B..
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (4), Common (2), Uncommon (2), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (2), Common (1), Uncommon (1), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Bird reference
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / C..
All (3), Common (2), Uncommon (2), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (2), Common (2), Uncommon (2), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Construct reference
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / D..
All (2), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (2), Mythic (1)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (4), Common (4), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / E..
All (2), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / F..
All (4), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (3), Mythic (2)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (2), Common (1), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / G..
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (1)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / H..
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (1)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / I..
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Insect reference
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / J..
back to index
creature type / K..
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / L..
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (1)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / M..
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (3), Common (2), Uncommon (1), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Myr reference
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / N..
back to index
creature type / O..
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / P..
All (2), Common (0), Uncommon (2), Rare (2), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (1)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / R..
back to index
creature type / S..
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (2), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Snake reference
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Soldier reference
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Spawn reference
All (3), Common (3), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (0), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / T..
Thrull reference
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / U..
back to index
creature type / V..
All (3), Common (2), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (1), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / W..
All (12), Common (8), Uncommon (6), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
Worm reference
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / Y..
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (1), Rare (0), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
creature type / Z..
back to index
base stats / power: -1
back to index
base stats / power: 0/*
power 0/*, toughness 4
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
base stats / power: 1
back to index
base stats / power: 2
back to index
base stats / power: 3
back to index
base stats / power: 4
back to index
base stats / power: 5
power 5, toughness 3
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
power 5, toughness 5
All (4), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (4), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
base stats / power: 6
back to index
base stats / power: 7
power 7, toughness 2
All (1), Common (0), Uncommon (0), Rare (1), Mythic (0)
generic filter definition: here
direct glossary items:
implied glossary items:
back to index
base stats / power: 8
back to index
base stats / power: 9
back to index
base stats / power: 10
back to index
base stats / power: 11
back to index
base stats / power: 12
back to index
base stats / power: 13
back to index
base stats / power: 14
back to index
base stats / power: 15
back to index
base stats / power: 99
back to index
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Exile to Battlefield
back to index
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Graveyard to Battlefield (aka 'reanimate')
back to index
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Hand to Battlefield
back to index
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Library to Battlefield
back to index
zone / Battlefield / zone change / Graveyard+Hand+Library to Battlefield
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / lifecycle
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / development
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / counters
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / resilience
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / presence
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / pressure
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / restriction
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / interaction
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / tapping
back to index
zone / Battlefield / tool set / other ...
back to index
zone / Exile / zone change / Battlefield to Exile
back to index
zone / Exile / zone change / Graveyard to Exile
back to index
zone / Exile / zone change / Hand to Exile
back to index
zone / Exile / zone change / Library to Exile
back to index
zone / Exile / zone change / Graveyard+Hand+Library to Exile
back to index
zone / Exile / tool set
back to index
zone / Graveyard / zone change / Battlefield to Graveyard (aka 'destroy', 'die', 'sacrifice', ...)
back to index
zone / Graveyard / zone change / Exile to Graveyard (aka 'process')
back to index
zone / Graveyard / zone change / Hand to Graveyard (aka 'discard')
back to index
zone / Graveyard / zone change / Library to Graveyard (aka 'mill')
back to index
zone / Graveyard / tool set
back to index
zone / Hand / zone change / Battlefield to Hand (aka 'bounce')
back to index
zone / Hand / zone change / Exile to Hand
back to index
zone / Hand / zone change / Graveyard to Hand (aka 'regrow')
back to index
zone / Hand / zone change / Library to Hand (aka 'draw', 'tutor', ...)
back to index
zone / Hand / zone change / Graveyard+Library to Hand
back to index
zone / Hand / tool set
back to index
zone / Library / zone change / Battlefield to Library
back to index
zone / Library / zone change / Exile to Library
back to index
zone / Library / zone change / Graveyard to Library
back to index
zone / Library / zone change / Hand to Library
back to index
zone / Library / tool set
back to index
resource / energy / update
back to index
resource / life / update
back to index
resource / life / tool set
back to index
resource / mana / update
back to index
resource / mana / tool set
back to index
poison counter / update
back to index
poison counter / tool set
back to index
varia / tool set / turn
back to index
varia / tool set / stack
back to index
varia / tool set / spell
back to index
varia / tool set / target
back to index
varia / tool set / cost
back to index
varia / tool set / choice
back to index
varia / tool set / randomness
back to index
varia / tool set / characteristics
back to index
varia / tool set / other ...
back to index